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Client Showcase

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Client Showcase

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Client Showcase

How Amgen Operations Puts People First

Amgen is one of the world’s leading biotechnology companies, deeply rooted in science and innovation and committed to their mission to serve patients.

The Operations team has always prided itself on delivering results, but emerging from the pandemic, leadership began to realize that people were also seeking a new kind of culture – a culture of excellence built on inclusion, engagement and compassion.

Since April 2022, Potential Project has partnered with Amgen to develop and cascade People-Centred Leadership (PCL) throughout Operations. Customized programming for different leadership levels has included Masterclasses with the Operations Leadership executive team, a 4-session PCL ‘Unlock’ program for Operations Senior Leaders, a 2-session ‘PCL Fundamentals for Leaders’ series for people leaders, and quarterly ‘Unlocking Connection’ virtual experiences to support all Operations staff. In addition, we have partnered to support senior leadership teams with integrating, embedding and sustaining PCL within day-to-day work experiences throughout the organization, and to ensure broad integration of PCL within Amgen’s flagship leadership development experiences.

Operations Leaders have reported positive impacts on their day-to-day work experience, including:  

+ 9% enhancement in measures of compassion towards colleagues
+ 7% increase in maintaining focus on key priorities
+ 7% improvement in measures of self-care
+ 8% greater connection with personal purpose for work

accenture program components
multi-session journeys offering iconhuman leadership assessment iconjumpstart offering icon
2 years collaboration to date
2000+ leaders touched
Multiple summits and leadership sessions

Benefits of the Program

No program can do everything, but we confidently promise that you will feel:

  • A sense of renewal and fresh commitment to your work;
  • Optimism and energy about moving forward;
  • Deeper connection to the kind of leader you want to be and confidence on how to get there;
  • Movement from just coping to thriving and growing as a leader.

We invite you on a journey that has been hugely beneficial to participants before you.

Net Promoter Score
Rating for Facilication
 We all know that we need to deliver results, but we’re learning that there is a way to balance individual needs with performance and handling the balance in a humane way.

Esteban Santos 
Executive Vice President of Operations, Amgen​
“Great course and at a critical time, as we look to our performance and ourselves to ensure we do the best for our teams.”

— Managing Director, Salesforce
“I took something from every call and was able to action and implement it with results.”

— Managing Director, Cloud First
"Everything was absolutely well thought out, well planned, delivered extremely well, with a lot of experience, energy and passion!"

— Managing Director, Gallia