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Client Showcase

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Client Showcase

Mastering the Inner Game of Leadership

As one of the largest consumer goods companies in the world, Unilever is uniquely positioned to create positive change in the world and to realize their mission - to make sustainable living commonplace.
Since 2018, Potential Project has been working with Unilever to bring to life their “standards of leadership” through a customized, global learning program and retreat which activates their leaders' “inner game”. Potential Project provided the ability to work at scale, at speed and in multiple languages and cultures.
The flagship program, “A Leader's Journey”, is a transformative, 5-session journey. Designed for emerging leaders, the program fosters a profound understanding of one's “inner game" for enhanced self-awareness, growth mindset, and emotional intelligence. The program equips leaders with the insights and practical tools necessary to lead with selflessness and compassion. Through experiential learning, participants delve into their personal strengths and growth areas, learning to navigate the polarities and complexities of leadership today. “A Leader's Journey” prepares individuals to inspire and manage teams with a deep commitment to nurturing talent and driving collective success in a supportive and inclusive manner.
Recently, Unilever recognized the urgent need to not only retain market leadership but to also accelerate a culture of enhanced innovation, focused performance and continuous care. As senior leadership seek to integrate ambitious performance goals with a deep commitment to Unilever’s Purpose and Values, Unilever is working with Potential Project to both sharpen its performance edge and to dial up on care for their people.
Our latest program, “Enabling a Performance Edge through Caring Performance", is rolling out to senior leadership with multiple modalities including face-to-face, virtual and blended. The foundation of these engaging, hands-on workshops is Potential Project's ground-breaking research that demonstrates high performance and human leadership are complementary, not contradictory. Through individual assessments, reflective team discussions, and practical tools integrated into day-to-day work practices, Unilever leaders learn to adopt new behaviors and sharpen their performance edge while also caring deeply for their people.
As Unilever scales these initiatives, the company solidifies its reputation as a leader in sustainable business practices that prioritize both human and corporate health, setting a new standard for leadership in the modern corporate world.

accenture program components
multi-session journeys offering iconhuman leadership assessment iconjumpstart offering icon
5 years of collaboration
17,000 people touched
210 programs and retreats

Benefits of the Program

No program can do everything, but we confidently promise that you will feel:

  • A sense of renewal and fresh commitment to your work;
  • Optimism and energy about moving forward;
  • Deeper connection to the kind of leader you want to be and confidence on how to get there;
  • Movement from just coping to thriving and growing as a leader.

We invite you on a journey that has been hugely beneficial to participants before you.

Net Promoter Score
Rating for Facilication
Potential Project uses deep research to demonstrate that compassionate and wise leadership
is not an alternative to a performance culture, but is a key accelerator of it.  

Alan Jope

Former CEO, Unilever​
“Great course and at a critical time, as we look to our performance and ourselves to ensure we do the best for our teams.”

— Managing Director, Salesforce
“I took something from every call and was able to action and implement it with results.”

— Managing Director, Cloud First
"Everything was absolutely well thought out, well planned, delivered extremely well, with a lot of experience, energy and passion!"

— Managing Director, Gallia