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Client Showcase

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Client Showcase

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Client Showcase

Powering a People-Centered Business

For the past 5 years, Cisco has received the award of being in the top three for the World’s Best Workplaces. It attributes this success in part to the offerings of Cisco Mind Set over the years.

Since 2017, Potential Project has been a preferred and trusted partner to Cisco across all parts of the organization to build leader, team, and employee-based solutions that support innovation, wellbeing, and sustainable performance, enabling Ciscoians to bring their best selves to work.

The Cisco Mind Set programs have helped over 9,000 Cisco employees to understand how their minds are wired and how to train their minds so that desired behaviors and outcomes have the space to emerge.

In 2024, we expanded impact even further by partnering with Cisco’s Leader Well-Being program, providing both webinars and self-guided learning journeys to further deepen leadership care and growth, helping to create a culture of mindful wellbeing throughout all levels of the organization.  

95% of participants would recommend Cisco Mind Set programs to their colleagues, and they have reported positive changes in their daily work experience, such as:

• 34% improvement in multitasking management
• 20% increase in work-life balance  
• 18% increase in focus  

accenture program components
multi-session journeys offering iconhuman leadership assessment iconjumpstart offering icon
7 years of collaboration to date
Thousands of people impacted
62 countries reached by the programs

Benefits of the Program

No program can do everything, but we confidently promise that you will feel:

  • A sense of renewal and fresh commitment to your work;
  • Optimism and energy about moving forward;
  • Deeper connection to the kind of leader you want to be and confidence on how to get there;
  • Movement from just coping to thriving and growing as a leader.

We invite you on a journey that has been hugely beneficial to participants before you.

Net Promoter Score
Rating for Facilication
People were struggling with how to manage the day-to-day from a work perspective and then to be their best selves in everything else that they did. We knew that if we were not careful, we were going to find our lives run by transactions and activities. So, there was this need to really center and focus. And I look at all of those elements now, and I can't think of a time when we've needed that type of foundation more.

Francine Katsoudas
Chief People Officer, Cisco​
“Great course and at a critical time, as we look to our performance and ourselves to ensure we do the best for our teams.”

— Managing Director, Salesforce
“I took something from every call and was able to action and implement it with results.”

— Managing Director, Cloud First
"Everything was absolutely well thought out, well planned, delivered extremely well, with a lot of experience, energy and passion!"

— Managing Director, Gallia