When we talk about leadership, the perception is that it's off to the side, separate from the results. We have to manage people and lead them, but we don't always marry those two things together. The data shows that if you can balance doing hard things in a human way, retention goes up, and performance improves. I realized that this was the direction we needed to take. Compassion is not merely about being nice. It's not about being soft as a leader.
Laurie Rebholz
Managing Director of Global Leadership Solutions at Citi

IKEA is one of the most well-known consumer brands in the world. For years, their commitment to the health and happiness of their people has been front and center, an integral part of their business strategy. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in the Spring of 2020, IKEA became a stand-out example of acting with urgency, agility and courage during a time of instability and uncertainty.