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Develop Mental Agility to Survive and Thrive in Turbulent Times

Follow-up resources for ATD 2021 attendees, from Marissa Afton, Partner & Head of Global Accounts, Potential Project.

woman with blue backpack hiking out in nature
woman and man colleagues at a laptop
man looking pensive in nature
two women in an office looking at a computer

Summary Article

person jumping over space between two cliffs at sunset

In today’s business world, we need agility to not only survive, but thrive in the disruptive and somewhat unknown future that we continually face.

While most agility training focuses on methods and processes, there is another type of agility that is critical for success: mental agility. This is the ability to quickly shift between having laser-focus and seeing the bigger picture. Read more.

Train Your Mind

potential project app mock-up on mobile phone screens

Increase your mental effectiveness with the Potential Project app, a companion on your journey towards more focus, well-being and joy in your daily life. The app offers you guided mind training practices tailored to your specific needs and goals.  

We have a special gift for ATD 2021 registrants. From now until October 1, 2021, you will have free access to this app.

Download the app today:

To unlock the app, use Program Key (code): ATD2021 

Continue Your Learning Journey

Read related insights and research here.

Sign-up here to receive the latest insights on creating a more human world of work.  

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions from my talk.

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Selected Clients

We have worked with a wide variety of great clients. Here are a few selected organisations that we have helped becoming even greater through mindfull thinking

Here are a few selected organisations that we have helped becoming even greater through mindfull thinking.

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We are available in 27 countries around the world. Send us a few words here, and we will make sure your local specialists will get in touch and listen to any questions or concerns you have. Together we will find the right solution for you and your team.

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