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The Human Leader Assessment

A scientifically validated, 360° based measurement tool which provides personalized scoring and actionable reporting so leaders gain insight into their unique capacity for human leadership.

woman in gray jacket
young man with glasses
young woman waving at ipad screen
colleagues smiling during meeting

Our Underlying Framework:  
The Human Leader Compass

Employees are seeking leaders who can drive performance while genuinely supporting their teams, as the modern workplace demands leadership that combines results with care.

Potential Project has identified 3 core qualities and fifteen essential mindsets for future leaders. Backed by research and extensive work with top executives globally, this framework is designed to shape a more human world of work.

The 3 Core Qualities of Awareness, Wisdom and Compassion are the basis for how leadership is assessed and tracked in the HLA.

We can then unlock and help leaders rediscover the 15 Mindsets (post-assessment) in a targeted and programmatic manner to realize their full Human Leader potential.

Our Underlying Framework

The average person will spend nearly 90,000 hours at work over their lifetime, or close to 10 years. When those hours are filled with anxiety, stress and distractions, business suffers.

We have assessed close to 4.5 million moments of organizational and workplace life. Our research shows that when those moments are positive, happy and rejuvenating, employees and companies benefit. When people bring their best, full selves to work, absenteeism drops along with fatigue and stress. Distractibility is replaced with more focus and productivity – almost 2 more productive hours of work each week per employee.

At Potential Project, we help individuals and teams to build the right mindsets for success. In the midst of busyness, changing priorities and distractions, we help them to access more happiness and productivity at work.

Human Leader Assessment

The Human Leader Assessment measures a leader’s human leadership mindsets and the changes in them over time.

Comprehensive assessment of Human Leadership

- Measures against the 3 Core Leadership Qualities

- Takes about 5-10 minutes for each participant to complete

360° style assessment with dashboard

- Includes a self-assessment plus an assessment of the leader by a variable number of direct reports + colleagues
- Also includes a personalized report with tips for enhancing one’s leadership

Conducted by Potential Project’s in-house scientists in partnership with academic researchers

- Assessment questions are carefully-selected and scientifically validated

The Human Leader Score

The Assessment is 360-based so leaders see the results of their self-ratings and the ratings of observers (colleagues, direct reports) chosen to participate in the assessment.

With a combination of self-report and observer-report, leaders receive their personalized Human Leader Score (between 0 and 100) set against the comparison of the group average.

Leaders receive a personalized report with tips for enhancing one’s leadership and closing the gap between their self-rating and observer ratings. Sponsors and administrators can access a dashboard to see aggregate patterns across leadership groups.

Learn what can be done to replace habitual patterns and automatic behaviors with new ways of thinking and courses of action.

Client Remarks

This is a valuable offering and demonstrably improved both my job performance and the job performance of my direct reports as a result of the skills I learned. They are more productive and I am able to be more strategic and effective too.
Each day that I practice mindfulness, my ability to respond to life's stimuli in a positive healthy way improves.
This program absolutely boosts work performance in that it provides and reinforces the ability to be relaxed and focused on those initiatives that are most important and to let go of negativity and distractions.

Representative Clients

The most forward-thinking companies and leaders no longer pretend old work models are still relevant in a world brimming with uncertainty and complexity. They are tearing up the outdated playbooks and reimagining work to create a more sustainable future for employees and shareholders.

We are proud to work with some of the leading organizations across the globe.

Ready to Build New Mindsets?

We are available in 28 countries around the world. Send us a few words here, and our specialists will get back in touch. Together we will find the right solution for you and your team.

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