Improving Your Well-Being at Work

As we observe Mental Health Awareness Month, we explore different ways to improve your mental well-being at work.
Part 1: Focus on your Social Connections
Through our research, we've found that social isolation is been the top challenge for those working from home. Conversely, your friends and colleagues can increase your happiness at work by 14%. What can we do to better connect with others at work?

Part 2: Get In Touch with Your Mind
An increasing number of people worldwide are discovering the benefits of practicing awareness of the present moment.It turns out that this simple adjustment to your lifestyle can have a lasting and profound effect on your well-being. Here are a few ideas on why and how it can benefit you.

Part 3: Acceptance
We cannot always control the things that happen in our lives, but we can choose how we react to them. Acceptance is the ability to embrace things as they are, so you can face them with clarity and peace of mind.This attitude leads to increased well-being and overall life satisfaction, and it can be trained.

Part 4: Manage Stress
Stress affects us at work daily by causing physical, emotional, or psychological strain. The ability to manage stress doesn't remove it, but it helps us to recover from it and enjoy our work. Here are a few ways to become more effective at managing stress.